eLearning portal for a Middle East finance entity

Banking & Financial Services
Enhanced and intuitive learning portal supplements the financial literacy efforts of a leading Saudi Arabian finance group
The Case
The client aims to enhance the financial awareness of the community, develop their skills and provide them with the knowledge that enables them to face their financial responsibilities. Investment and good handling of financial loans, and provide them with tools to help them make sound financial decisions that enable them to live a decent life. The target audience are kids, university students and entrepreneurs. Initially the e-learning portal Riyali was developed in Drupal. The website was developed with conventional techniques and limited features which restricted the objectives. The main constraints were: • The website was developed using Drupal technology, client was facing issues on any update made to the website taking a longer time to get updated • E-learning journey was not an enhanced one, with only basic features. • The website did not provide an option for dashboard reports, to drilldown the status of courses based on user for effective tracking. • Website had design constraints and major functionalities issues regarding device compatibility.

As a Solution, the client’s website was redesigned and developed with new UI screens, changed the existing platform with custom build application platform with extensive PHP modules in Laravel framework. The new Blog instance was developed using WordPress. The website admin panel was developed with enhanced features to manage students, trainers, course and exam along with extensive reporting.


Newly designed and enhanced website, powerful and flexible CMS backend, enhancement of e-Learning functionality user interface for both trainers and learners, enhanced dashboard reports, mobile application – iOS and AndroidB, Blog

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